SIZE: 22mm
DRILLED: at back
STONE: Hematite (Natural)
SHAPE: Flower, Rose
HEMATITE: is the mineral form of Iron Oxide. It is a very common mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Hematite is also referred to as "Kidney Stone" because of its rust red color when ground into a powder or scratched onto a surface. The name Hematite is derived from the Greek word for blood (haima).
Since Hematite is associated with blood, it is said to aid in the treatment of blood-related illnesses such as hemophilia, anemia, heart, kidney and liver diseases, cardio-vascular weakness, menstrual cramps, and nose bleeds. Hematite was also used by Native Americans to remedy dental problems, pimples, canker sores and alcohol abuse. Because of its magnetic properties, it is also said to help with muscle spasms, joint pain and arthritis. Hematite is also credited with the ability to clear the mind, improve memory, mental focus and concentration, bolster self-confidence, and promote logical thinking.

See more FLOWER beads
*Information regarding gemstone lore and metaphysical properties has been compiled from various sources and is for entertainment purposes only. No claims or promises are expressed or implied.*